The First Two Weeks With Your New Puppy
The First Two Weeks With Your New Puppy

The First Two Weeks With Your New Puppy

Well, We have made it through the first two weeks with Willow. She is starting to adjust nicely, is not afraid of the big kids and her two favorite things are playing and snuggling.

Bringing a puppy home can often times be overwhelming, fun, exciting, and frustrating all at the same time. I wanted to take a minute to share a few things we have been doing these past two weeks with a new puppy in the family, in hopes that they might be helpful to you.

First off, they are cute as a button, playful, and cuddly. Secondly, they can whine, bark, and yelp at all hours of the day or night. They have accidents in the house. They don’t know their name and often think you should respond to their beckon call. But did I mention just how cute they are!

That being said here are a few tips for the first couple of weeks as you adjust to your new normal with a pup in the home:

  1. Use their name often. One day you will say their name and they will whip their head around and look at you! The feeling is awesome! They know their name!!
  2. Play often! They are in new surroundings. Everything is new and often times that will exhaust them. Play as much as you can. Get down on the floor with them. Play fetch. (This is especially important if you want them to retrieve for work or play.) Play with toys, introduce them to new objects, and help bring out their confidence.
  3. Take them for car rides. If you ever plan on traveling with your dogs I suggest starting them young to get them used to the motion of the car. A carsick pup is no fun.
  4. Keep some slip on shoes by the door for quick potty breaks.
  5. Take them from day one to the spot you want them to go potty so they learn. This one will be a lifesaver for you in the long run.
  6. Have Fun!! Enjoy the puppy stage as it won’t last for long. They grow way to fast.

Happy trails my friends!


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